
  • 中国前波画廊





    画廊简介: 前波画廊(Chambers Fine Art)包括纽约前波画廊和北京前波画廊。其“前波”(Chambers)之名取自十八世纪英国著名建筑师威廉.钱伯斯勋爵(Sir William Chambers)。钱伯斯勋爵不仅在建筑设计上颇有建树,同时还是中国园林设计观念在西方的重要阐释和推广者。前波画廊创始人及现任主管人Christophe W.Mao(茅为清)深受钱伯斯勋爵启发,自2000年起,举办了各种内容颖丰富的展览,并将活跃在中国当代艺术舞台上的最优秀的艺术家及作品介绍给美国观众。 前波画廊的展览主要包括两种形式,一种是已经较有名气的艺术家的个人展览,另一种是由著名学者和艺评人策划的主题展览。在一些前波画廊举办的富有创新意义的展览中,也试图着力探索了中国传统艺术形式与当代艺术家实践之间的关系。这些精心策划的展览,及时“报导”了中国的最新发展,常与举办的艺术家个人展览的风格完全不同。在前波画廊展览的艺术家大都在中国已有一定声誉,但对他们中许多人来说,在前波画廊的个人展览却是在美国举行的第一次个展。2007年前波画廊在北京草场地艺术区开设了分馆,其空间由艾未未设计。 前波画廊的大部份展览都配有图录,其中许多都由艺术家亲自设计。 前波画廊明年的展览计划将延续这种著名艺术家与年轻艺术家结合的成功方式。 Introduction Since 2000,Christophe W. Mao has been committed to the careers of a select group ofChinese contemporary artists. He opened Chambers Fine Art in New York City in hopes of exhibiting and contextualizingthis developing genre to Western audiences. The gallery programalternates between monographic exhibitions devoted to the work of establishedand emerging artists and thematic exhibitions organized by recognized scholarsand critics from China.While some artists fuse traditional Chinese art forms with contemporarypractices, other artists present the face of contemporary China usingmultimedia techniques. This broad scope allows Chambers Fine Art to present avariety of mediums from video installations and large format photography toneo-classical ink painting and traditional paper-cutting. Some notable exhibitionsat Chambers include: Rocks and Art: Nature Found and Made, in which Chinesescholar’s rocks were juxtaposed with works by contemporary artists includingBrice Marden, Roy Lichtenstein and Zhan Wang; Too Much Flavor, a survey of young artists including Hong Hao andShi Jinsong who responded to the sensory overload of modern life; andChopsticks, a joint exhibition withSong Dong and Yin Xiuzhen that reflected the trust and harmony of their workand life. All of the exhibitionsat Chambers Fine Art are accompanied by catalogs designed by the artistthemselves with essays written by scholars and critics in the field. Thegallery has placed significant works by Hong Hao, Zhan Wang, Cai Guo-Qiang,Hong Lei and Wang Jianwei in major public and private collections. ChambersFine Art will continue to create provocative and intelligent exhibitions by influentialestablished artists and young emerging talents in China. 艺术家: 迟 鹏、郭鸿蔚、耿建翌、何云昌、洪 浩、洪 磊、李 山、吕胜中、邱世华、邱志杰、荣 荣、史金淞、宋 冬、汪建伟、王天德、邬建安、杨诘苍、尹秀珍、展 望、郑国谷 Artists: Chi Peng, Guo Hongwei, Geng Jianyi, He Yunchang,Hong Hao, Hong Lei, Li Shan, Lu Shengzhong, Qiu Shihua, Qiu Zhijie, Rong Rong,Shi Jinsong, Song Dong, Wang Jianwei, Wang Tiande, Wu Jian’an, Yang Jiechang,Yin Xiuzhen, Zhan Wang, Zheng Guogu 北京前波画廊——庭院 推开艾未未设计的巨大双叶木门的同时,也开启了一座优美庭院的大门。坐落在东北角的古老桑树来自于广东艺术家郑国谷的一个富有煽动性的作品。郑国谷从天津附近的安定庄的农民手中议价购得一棵百年老树,使之安家生长于北京前波画廊的庭院之中。前波画廊把该项目的全过程记录在了《百年老树再长一遍——郑国谷新作》这本画册当中。 悬挂在画廊庭院上空的两件外型相同的金属雕塑是宋东和尹秀珍的作品。这件作品来源于2002年由纽约前波画廊支持组办的名为——《筷子》的展览。在这两根“筷子”中,一根向院子中喷洒水雾,另一根内部的霓虹灯与水雾交相辉映,点亮了整个庭院。 多棱角石雕《莫愁》为2008年邱志杰前波画廊个展中的作品。作品源自中国南方一个奉守孝道的女子投湖自尽的传说。这件作品是由一块嶙峋的江南假山石经机械式地削减而成,被削下来的石块作为作品的一部分散落在主体岩石四周。《莫愁》是邱志杰《南京长江大桥》重点项目实施过程中的一个关键性作品。2009年初,这个项目便已经在尤伦斯当代艺术中心有所展现。详见《莫愁——邱志杰近作》。
