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编审:颐养 来源:《联合早报 发布时间:2014年12月16日 点击数:

  印度南部喀拉拉邦去年底出现一支“She Taxis”车队,这车队的40辆粉色出租车都由女司机驾驶,装备有无线追踪设备和与呼叫中心相连的按钮。









原标题:印度推广女司机驾驶女士专用的士 现粉色车队

轮奸案不断,印度激增“仅限女性”的出租车、公车和公园龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
In wake of gang rape, India sees rise of ‘women only’ taxis, buses and parks龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
译文来源:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wo ... b087acd6_story.html
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com

NEW DELHI — In the months since a gruesome gang rape riveted India, a “women-only” culture has been on the rise here, with Indians increasingly seeking out women-only buses, cabs, travel groups and hotel floors.

One city is preparing to open a women-only park. And in November, the government is launching a women-only bank it hopes will empower women financially.

In a country where reported sexual violence is increasing — despite heightened attention to the problem — many say the women-only spaces are a welcome refuge from lewd looks, groping and unwanted male attention. The concept appeals to women across a broad spectrum of Indian society, including a 60-year-old named Sarita, who recently traveled to New Delhi from a village in Maharashtra by train and said she still had to squabble with male passengers who tried to sit next to her in the women’s coach.

“It’s the ways of men,” Sarita said. “They’re not good. How can we coexist?”

But critics argue that the trend toward separation threatens the gains that women have made in education and access to new career fields over the past two decades, as the economy has rapidly modernized. It’s the men who need to change their behavior, they argue, not women.

“It’s appalling,” said Jayati Ghosh, an economics professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. “It’s a way for a patriarchal society to announce it’s not going to protect women. It’s simply going to segregate women and restrict their freedom, instead of securing it.”
新德里Jawaharlal Nehru 大学的经济学教授Jayati Ghosh称,“这太可怕了”“这是父权社会的做法,宣称不再保护女性,这只会让女性受到分离,自由受到限制,而不会起到保护他们的作用。”

“Must banks too go pink?” the headline of an editorial in the Hindu, a leading newspaper, asked recently.

Some women-only spaces — in trains, on Delhi’s Metro system — already had existed before December, when a 23-year-old physical therapy student was gang-raped and injured so severely she later died. The country’s male-dominated culture is rooted in religious customs and societal norms that date back centuries.

Some women believe the harsh sentences will have little impact and feel the harassment problem is getting worse, forcing them to retreat.

Iron mind l l
Yes, rape is a problem in India but stop using that as an excuse to bash India.

Down town abbey
Some times I think only like 20% of the world knows that rape is a really bad thing. The rest just says oops when they're caught

April beau champs
In wake of gang rape, India sees rise of ‘women only’ taxis, buses and parks
I guess this is a small step in helping to keep women safe from rape, however, I do not believe that it is enough because what happens when women get off the taxis, buses, or walks home from the parks and bus stops. Much more needs to be done to keep women in India safe because this alone is not going to be enough.

Leberk nodel l
What is wrong with India?? This is a major country, with nuclear technology and stone-age morality.

Ze lie to me
What a pathetic culture--India !

Sh alsh ah
As an Indian man who has lived in the U. S. and India. I highly recommend the separation of sexes for the women in India. It's a safety issue. Men literally undress you with their eyes and make a woman feel very uncomfortable. When it comes to their own women and sisters...Indian men will defend and protect them; however, they have a hard time lowering their gaze when it comes to other women.

Sticker t l o
In the months since a gruesome gang rape riveted India, a “women-only” culture has been on the rise here, with Indians increasingly seeking out women-only buses, cabs, travel groups and hotel floors.
Even if you started educated all the young people now, it would still probably take several generations to get real results. The men won't want to lose their power.

David rush worth it
One of the problems in India is the lack of opportunities (other than arranged marriages) for men and women to meet socially. 

Tree Beard l l
I'm so fucking tired of this. There are lots of rape cases in India. There are also lots of murder cases. And probably tons of other weird shit. You know why? Because there's two billion fucking people there.

I See What They Are Doing
One city is preparing to open a women-only park. And in November, the government is launching a women-only bank it hopes will empower women financially.
women should carry guns or knives and use them...

Net princess c
India - I lived there for a year, absolutely the worst year in my life.

Roll h a x 
In wake of gang rape, India sees rise of ‘women only’ taxis, buses and parks
This is such a shitty planet full of shitty people. The human race is doomed to a end that the universe won't even notice. 

H3 r B z 
I'd never want to live in a society where this is required and considered the norm. Hopefully creating female only cabs is a temporary short-term solution to an issue that needs to be solved in the long-term and I'm not quite sure how.

Kevin f xx   
just as the tourism of India slogan: "Incredible India!"

Sa la hadin P L 
In wake of gang rape, India sees rise of ‘women only’ taxis, buses and parks
It's better than leaving things the way the are now , you have to start some where .

I b b I t 
Obviously some thing needs to be done to stop the crime but I don't think separating women is the answer. Most likely it will cause more problems in the long run.

Papa Petro x s
In the months since a gruesome gang rape riveted India, a “women-only” culture has been on the rise here, with Indians increasingly seeking out women-only buses, cabs, travel groups and hotel floors.
Can some one explain the rampant rape epidemic in India? What's going on here?!

Ge lin refira 
Ironically, there are women only passenger train cars in Japan also because guys can't keep their hands to themselves in crowded trains.

Mare ku chan 
I'm sure that one day we'll see a news form India on the front page that won't have 'rape' in the title

J A A H T M 
In the months since a gruesome gang rape riveted India, a “women-only” culture has been on the rise here, with Indians increasingly seeking out women-only buses, cabs, travel groups and hotel floors.
1 out of 10 Indians don't enjoy gang rapes.

I- am_ Bat man 
in New Delhi metro the first car is always reserved for women.

Toffee C l l
In wake of gang rape, India sees rise of ‘women only’ taxis, buses and parks
Next up: woman raped in 'women only' taxi.

Offen dumb guy 
Shouldn't live in 3rd world country

Skull candy X
We were here worried about terrorism, global warming, bird flu e t c. but little did every one know the battle of the sexes would bring the world to a sexy end.

Eye dee gaffe 
As an Indian, I'm glad this is getting attention. Things like this need more publicity so that the nation works to stop them from happening

In the months since a gruesome gang rape riveted India, a “women-only” culture has been on the rise here, with Indians increasingly seeking out women-only buses, cabs, travel groups and hotel floors.
May be they're just asking for it. If they didn't wear such revealing burkas, they wouldn't have to worry about men losing control of their sexual impulses around them.

jus_ chil lin 
No one is ever satisfied. Women get raped, p p l demand for safer environment, have women only areas, p p l still complain. When will people realize that rapists are p p l with mental tendencies that you can't remove from society.

Mistress_ E P
There's damn good reasons I despise humans.

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