时间.地点.人物 —— 2008中德当代艺术展
Time.Place.Person——German&Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition
Sponsors: Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany SH & Shanghai Xuhui Art Museum
Support: Shanghai Nancy's Gallery, Germany Galerie Schuebbe Project
展期: 2008年2月19日至2008年3月2日
Duration: 19th Feb. —— 2nd Mar. 2008( Opening Hours: 9:00am - 4:30pm)
Opening: Tuesday, February 19th ,3.00pm
地点:上海徐汇艺术馆 淮海中路1413号
Venue: No.1413 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai Xuhui Art Museum
Academic direct: Pang Fei
策展人: 吴文星
Curator: Wu Wenxing
Supervisor:Shi Jianhua,Zhu Xi
Curator assistant:Li Xiaohong,Tang Liqing,Lin Qing
Exhibition assistant:Tang Hao,He Yan,You Xiaoyue,Wei Kang
参展艺术家Artists (按字母顺序):仇德树, 蔡玉龙, 邓国源, Julia Lohmann, 蒋正根,Klaus Scheckenbach , Matthias Koster, 浦捷,Rolf A. Kluenter, Thomas Fuesser, 吴文星, 徐君华
Klaus Scheckenbach木雕
Matthias Koster铝板丙烯
Rolf A Kluenter video
由德国驻上海总领事馆与上海徐汇艺术馆共同主办的时间.地点.人物 —— 2008中德当代艺术展将于二月十九日在徐汇艺术馆开幕。展览作品形式有:摄影,绘画,装置,video。参展艺术家包括曾担任德国杜塞尔多夫艺委会主席的Julia Lohmann与中国1979年“草草社”发起人仇德树等。两国艺术家对彼此的民族都有着浓厚的兴趣与理解。作为2008年徐汇艺术馆第一个推出的国际交流展,艺术家的作品得以在同一个空间中产生出对话。本次展览很好地反映出了在不同的社会环境与文化背景下,艺术家各自对社会与艺术的感悟与表达。
Time?Place?Person — Chinese?German Contemporary Art Exhibition 2008 sponsored by Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany SH and Shanghai Xuhui Art Museum. The opening of the exhibition will be held at Xuhui Art Museum on 19th February. There are different art forms at the exhibition, which include photography, painting, device and video.
Julia Lohmann, was the former chairwoman of Art Committee Dusseldorf, Germany. Together with Chou Deshu, founder of ‘Caocao Club’ in China 1979, they participate as artists on the exhibition. The artists of both countries have great interest and understanding of each other’s culture. As the first international exchange exhibition in Xuhui Art Museum in 2008, it provides the platform for the artists to exchange dialogue in the same space. The exhibition shows the sensibility and expression of society and art, captured by the artists in different societies and cultures. (translated by Li Xiaohong)
邓国源 纸本