Yuan Yunfu
Born in Nantong, Jiangsu Province in 1933. In 1949 he began his studies at the National Art College in Hangzhou (Now: Chinese Institute of Fine Arts). He graduated from the Central Institute of Fine Arts and became a teacher at the Central Institute of Arts and Crafts(Now: Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University.) At present he is a member of the Ninth National Committee of the Political Consultative Conference, a vice-director of Chinese Arts and Crafts Association, a councilor at the Chinese Fine Arts Artists Association, a professor at the Fine Arts Institute of Tsinghua University and is mentoring a doctor of public arts. He has been in charge of and also participated himself in the creation, design and making of several series of important Chinese large-scale frescos and public arts. He has held lots of personal painting exhibitions. He has published collections of paintings and essays such as Recording of Yuan Yunfu's understanding of Art, Essays on Decorative Paintings, Color-ink painting Collections, Yuan Yunfu's Tapestry Collections, Collection of Yuan Yunfu frescos and Chinese landscape paintings, Yuan Yunfu, Yuan Yunfu Painting Collections, Wide Horizons. He has also held the position of chief editor of many important academic publications covering many works of art created during the 40 years since the establishment of the Central Institute of Fine Arts such as Art Design, Chinese Contemporary Decorative Arts, The Full Collections of Chinese Modern Fine Arts.
Yan Zhenduo
Born in Ji County, Tian jin in 1940. He graduated from the Central Institute of Fine Arts. At present he is a vice-director of the art association of the Beijing Painting Institute, first-level artist, commissioner at the oil painting art committee of Chinese Artists Association and vice-secretary of the Chinese Oil Painting Association. His works have been displayed in many important exhibitions. He has won many awards such as the award "excellent works" in the sixth and the eighth National Fine Arts Exhibitions and the gold award in the tenth National Fine Arts Exhibition. His publications include Yan Zhenduo and Cao Dali Oil Paintings amongst others.
Li Fuyuan
He was born in Kunming, Yunnan Province. He is a well-known Chinese contemporary painter, who studied under Professor Wu Guanzhong. Mr Li's specialty painting various types of animals, birds and beasts, mountains, landscapes etc. The composition of his paintings is powerful and his use of color is extremely bold. During the year of 1992 and 2005, he held many large-scale personal exhibitions in HongKong, Singapore, Malaysia, USA, Taiwan and other places. He also has a casebound album of his paintings published: The Animal World, New Works from Li Fuyuan, Li Fuyuan's painting Collections One-2000.
Wang Huaiqing
Born in Beijing in 1944. He used to take used to go by the name Wang Huai. Wang Huaiqing is a well-known Chinese contemporary painter. At present he is a member of the China Artists Association and the China Oil Painting Academy. He is also a first-level artist at the Beijing Painting Institute. His paintings are of a simple style yet abstractly composed. For this, his paintings are greatly and widely appreciated by academics and collectors both at home and abroad. English critic Mr. Su Liwen once praised him, saying that "Wang Huaiqing's artistic style is always rooted in Chinese culture. Furthermore, he reflects about his own culture when China is in a period of transition between modern and contemporary history", "Wu Guanzhong discovered the beauty of the white walls and grey tiles of the Canal Town in Southern China while Wang Huaiqing takes us there". He held many exhibitions in USA, France, Japan, Singapore, HongKong, Taiwan, Italy and several other places. His works have entered the collections of the China Art Museum, the Shanghai Art Museum, the Beijing Artists Association and private collectors both at home and abroad. He has published collections of his own works, such as Wang Huaiqing's illustration selections, Wang Huaiqing's Chinese landscape painting collections, Wang Huaiqing's oil paintings collections.
Zhong Shuheng
1946年生于辽宁。中国当代著名画家。现为清华大学美术学院教授、中国美术家协会会员、中国油画家协会会员。 2000年应邀参加中、日、韩三国教授作品交流;2001年作品《精卫》参加艺术与科学国际作品展,并荣获国际评委颁发的作秀作品奖;曾在美国纽约举办"刘巨德、钟蜀珩绘画作品展"。 其作品不仅多次在全国性美展及国际美术联展中获奖并被收藏,而且她发表出版了大量论著和作品集。
She was born in Liaoning Province in 1946. She is a well-known Chinese contemporary painter. At present she is a professor at the Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University. She is also a member of the Chinese Artists Association and the Chinese Oil Painters Association. In 2000, she was invited to the exchange of professors' works among China, Japan and South Korea. In 2001, her work The bird Jingwei, participated in the International Art and Science Works Exhibition and was rewarded as an excellent works by international judges. An exhibitions showing paintings by Liu Jude and Zhong Shuheng was held in New York, USA. Her works have been entered in nationwide art exhibitions and international associated exhibitions. They have often won awards and become the target of collectors. Miss. Zhong has published and contributed to papers, treatises, books and a great deal of other works.
Liu Jude
Born in Shangdu, Inner Mongolia in 1946. He is a well-known Chinese contemporary painter. He studied under Professors Pang Xunqin and Wu Guanzhong. Now he is the vice president of the Academy of Arts and Design at Tsinghua University. He is also a member of the Chinese Artists Association. He has taken part in many exhibitions such as the first international Art Field's oil painting exhibition, the exhibition of paintings from Wu Guanzhong and his students and six artists' contemporary color-ink paintings exhibition. He has created a large number of works including the oil painting Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, the Chinese landscape painting Fish, the hanging Inspiration light, one illustration Jiazi saving the deer, and was also the illustratorof the Jiazi saving deer cartoon. His works have been collected by the Australian National Museum, the American St. John's University, and the American Ford Foundation, in Southeast Asia, Taiwan and also by domestic collectors. He pays close attention to the comparative research of oriental and occidental paintings and their artistic life spirit. Figure Imagination, Liu Jude's sketch collections and Liu Jude's Chinese paintings collections have been published.
Luo Zhongli
He was born in Chongqing in 1946. He is a well-known Chinese contemporary painter. At present he is the dean of the Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts. His painting Father was awarded the first prize in the second national youth fine arts exhibition. He has held exhibitions in New York, Chicago, Boston, Brussels, Sydney, Beijing, Taiwan and several other places. His works have been collected by the China Art Museum,the Shanghai Art Museum, the Taiwan Shan Art Museum, Harvard University, the Oklahoma State-owned Art Museum, the Singapore Art Museum, the Belgium National History Museum and other fine arts institutions at home and abroad as well as by private individuals.
He Duoling
He was born in Chengdu in 1946. He ranks high among the younger contemporary painters. He is a representative of Chinese contemporary lyric realism oil painters and also a representative of the Scar Fine Arts. At present he lives in Chengdu and works as a painter by profession. His painting style has always maintained a gloomy, poetic and obscure character. This reminiscent mood offers an accurate picture of the spirit of his generation. Therefore, though his works are far removed from the mainstream of contemporary art, they still present a special fascination. He has held exhibitions of his work at the Fukuoka Art Museum, the China Art Museum, the Yi Bo Art Gallery in Shanghai and the Gaoxiong Art Museum in Taiwan. In his early times, he became well-known in the whole country with the painting the spring wind has awoken. He has won the silver and bronze prize in the sixth National Art Exhibition, the bronze prize in the seventh National Art Exhibition and the Monaco Government Award.
Pan Dehai
1956年生于吉林省四平。现任云南艺术学院美术学院讲师。潘德海笔下"苞米"式的胖子形象诙谐又深具含意,是现代人欲望不断膨胀的隐喻,并富有时代性和标志性。潘德海说:"胖,是我想表达的主题,胖是当今社会普遍存在的现象,是城市综合症最明显的体现,是今天个体生命随时存在的问题。" 其作品自1985年在亚洲各地展出,并于1989年在"第七届全国美展"中获奖。他曾参加1989年中国美术馆举行的"中国现代艺术展"、 1991年中国历史博物馆的"油画年展"、 2000年当代艺术画廊在英国伦敦举办的"亚洲当代艺术展"等国内外大型展览。
Born in Siping, Jilin Province. Pan Dehai is a professional painter, who at present also holds the position of lecturer at the Fine Arts College of the Yunnan Art Institute. The corn-like fat guy's image Pan Dehai created is both humorous and has profound meaning. It is a metaphor of the booming desire of modern people. It is also filled with the spirit of its time and it is a symbol of its time. Pan Dehai once said, "Fat is the theme I want to express. Fat is a phenomenon that exists widely in society. It is an obvious embodiment of the city syndrome and also an existential problem that is inherent in individual life at any moment nowadays. " Since his works were exhibited in many places throughout Asia in 1985, he has participated in lots of large-scale exhibitions, including the Chinese Modern Exhibition held in the China Art Museum in 1989 and the annual exhibition held in the Museum of Chinese History in 1991. In 1989, his works won an award in the seventh National Fine Arts Exhibition. He also took part in the Asian Contemporary Exhibition in 2000, which was held by the Contemporary Art Gallery in London.
13谭 平
Tan Ping
Born in Chengde in 1960. At present Tan Ping holds the position of vice president of the Central Institute of Fine Arts, is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, the vice director of the Graphic Design Art Association, the vice director of the China Environment Design Art Association, a councilor of the China Industrial Design Association, a member of the Chinese Prints Painters Association, a member of the China Qualification Evaluation Committee of Stamps as well as a member of the German Fine Arts Artists Association. He won the gold medal of the national cartoon fine arts exhibition, the silver medal of books decorative art in Beijing, the national LuXun Prints reward, the silver medal of national three prints exhibition. He also won the German cultural exchange scholarship and was awarded as one of the national excellent overseas students who have returned home.
Ji Dachun
1968年生于江苏南通。1993年毕业于中央美术学院,现为职业画家。1994年参加"中国油画展双年展"、"翰墨艺术中心邀请展";1998年参加上海刘海粟美术馆"中国当代画家联展"、北京四合苑画廊"静物展";1999年参加北京国际艺苑美术馆"新锐的目光-1970年代前后出生的一代"展览,并在东京BASE画廊举办"季大纯展";2000年参加上海国际艺术双年展、巴塞尔国际艺术博览会;2001年参加成都国际艺术双年展;2002 年参加韩国"釜山艺术博览会"、上海"我全都看见了"展览、瑞士"巴塞尔艺术博览会" 、美国"芝加哥艺术博览会"、广州艺术博物院"首届中国艺术三年展" 。
Born in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, in 1968. He graduated from the Central Institute of Fine Arts and at present he is a professional painter. In 1994 he attended the China biennial oil paintings exhibition, Hanmo Art Center Inviting Exhibition. In 1998 he took part in the Chinese Contemporary Associated Exhibition held at the Liu Haisu Art Museum in Shanghai and the still life exhibition of Beijing Courtyard Art Gallery. In 1999 he opened the Ji Dachun exhibition at the Tokyo BASE Art Gallery and the exhibition of the up-and-coming generation of artists born around 1970 in the Beijing International Circles of Art Museum. In 2000 he attended the international biennial art exhibition in Shanghai and the international art exposition of Basel. In 2001 he participated in the international biennial art exhibition in Chengdu. In 2002 he took part in Pusan Art Exposition, the "I have seen all" Exhibition in Shanghai, the international art exposition of Basel in Switzerland, the Chicago Art Exposition and the first triennium art exhibition held in Guangzhou Art Museum.
15闫 博
Yan Bo
Born in Beijing in 1970. He graduated from Tian Jin Institute of Fine Arts and in 2002 completed the postgraduate students' classes in the Central Institute of Fine Arts. At present he is a professional painter. His paintings possess both the characteristics of western paintings and also the impressionistic style of Chinese paintings. The sunshine feeling and strong colors are his new artistic expressions to display life and embrace life warmly. From 1990 to present, he has participated in more than 30 associated exhibitions both home and abroad. From 1996 to now he has held about ten personal exhibitions in Beijing, HongKong, Singapore. He has published more than ten personal painting collections. Many of his works have been collected by domestic and foreign institutions and individuals.
Yin Zhaoyang
1970年生于河南。1996年毕业于中央美术学院版画系,现居北京,职业画家。作为"青春残酷绘画"的代表人物,其作品在中国90年代末期的写实主义绘画中占有重要地位。他在绘画中把对青春的表达置于一种人性反省的重要位置,并且对时代性的青春境遇进行了感性化的一般概括。这种境遇通过一种戏剧性的视觉和叙事的张力,表达了这一代人在后意识形态时期所处的人性困境和自我矛盾性,真正塑造出这一代人自己的自我形象和情感特征。他曾参加1999年北京"新锐的目光"、 2002年上海"青春残酷绘画"等联展,并多次举办个展,如2001年北京"神话"、2004年中央美术学院美术馆"乌托邦"等。
Born in Henan Province in 1970. He graduated from the Prints Department of the Central Institute of Fine Arts. At present he lives in Beijing and works as a professional painter. He is a representative of the Youth Brutal Painting Genre. His paintings take an important position among realist paintings of the late 1990s in China. His paintings focus on the expression of youth to reflect human nature. Furthermore, his paintings, filled with emotion, have made a general conclusion to the experiences of youth in these times. Through a dramatic strain of vision and narrating, this kind of encounter expresses the difficult situation of human nature and self-conflict facing such a generation in the post-ideology period. His works truly reflect this generation's self-image and feelings. The Associated Exhibitions he has attended include the sharp eyesight exhibition in Beijing in 1999, the Youth Brutal Painting Exhibition in Shanghai in 2002 and others. He has held several personal exhibitions such as the "Legend" exhibition in Beijing in 2001, the "Utopia" exhibition in the Art Gallery in the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2004 and several more.