联合国儿童基金会刚刚公布了2008年度照片(UNICEF-Photo of the Year)评选结果,年仅21岁的比利时女摄影师Alice Smeets成为该奖项有史以来最年轻的获得者,获奖作品“太阳城的女孩”。
Alice Smeets的获奖作品拍摄于海地首都太子港最大的贫民窟——Cité Soleil,照片中,一名穿着白色纱裙的女孩赤脚走在贫民窟前的积水中,周围堆满了各种各样的垃圾,不远处,两只黑猪正在觅食,蓝天白云的背景下,伫立着这一片名为“太阳之城”的贫民窟的破矮棚居。
“其实这只是一张随手拍下的照片。”不过,Alice Smeets这张照片所展示出的冲击力与丰富的摄影元素已足够从128位专业摄影师提交的1449份作品中脱颖而出。

以色列摄影师Oded Baililty,获奖作品:排队领取救灾物资的女孩,四川地震后第十日。
匈牙利摄影师Balazs Gardi,获奖作品:一名阿富汗男子怀抱一个受伤的男孩,这张照片也在法国PX3 2008与World Press Photo 2008获奖作品中出现过。
Mario Tama, Gordon Welters, Stanislas Guigui, Frank Röth, Christian Als, Marcus Bleasdale, Shiho Fukada,Wiliam Daniels, Brenda Anne Kenneally, Melissa Lyttle, Justin Maxon,
Brenda Ann Kenneally
Twenty-nine million American children live in poverty. Although government funded food stamps help these children get food, they often lack the knowledge to make healthy nutritional decisions. American photographer Brenda Keneally has been observing the phenomenon for years in New York. This is a photo of young New Yorker named Diana Jean.
Christian Als
Latvia incarcerates a much higher proportion of juveniles than any of its neighbors. Four percent of all the country's prisoners are minors, compared to just 1.3 percent in Poland, 0.6 percent in Denmark, and 0.2 percent in Sweden. This photo of a young imprisoned Latvian comes from Danish politician Christian Als.