Frank Röth
In August 2008 the smouldering conflict over whether South Ossetia belongs to Georgia escalated into open hostilities. Thousands of Georgians fled from South Ossetia after having lost all their belongings and sometimes their relatives. They sought protection in the Georgian capital, Tblisi. German photo-journalist Frank Röth shows the drama of those were driven away.
Gordon Welters
Bath time in a Potsdam Co-op. In this dwelling live eight adults, two children, six dogs, seven cats, three pigs, and two goats. Gordon Welters documented their alternative living situation,
Justin Maxon
Her name is Mui. She is a practicing Buddhist and lives with her five-year-old son in Hanoi. They are homeless. They own absolutely nothing. Still, Mui's care for her son knows no boundaries. She always manages to find him something to eat, even if it is only grains of rice from the street. Justin Maxon, photographer from San Francisco, had the feeling that he met two happy people in Vietnam.
Marcus Bleasdale
Recruiting childern under the age of 15 as soldiers is a war crime under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This fact doesn't seem bother warmongers much. The Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the countries with the highest numbers of underage soldiers in the world. The British reporter Marcus Bleasdale has been following this crime for 10 years.
Mario Tama
The hurricane that rampaged through New Orleans in 2005 led to a radical change in the social structure of the city. The former social-housing residential areas in the city center were torn down by private real estate companies. Many people have been pushed out into the outskirts of the city and now live in trailer parks or shabby huts. The American photographer, Mario Tama, expresses his outrage at this situation with his long-term photo project.